Equipment #

Equipment in the Cypher System plays only a small role. It’s far more important to focus on what you can do than on what you have. Still, sometimes it’s important to know if you’ve got enough rope, or what kind of gun your space pilot has at their hip.

Animal Form Minor Abilities Table #

Animal Skill Training Other Abilities
Ape Climbing Hands
Badger Climbing Scent
Bat Perception Flying
Bear Climbing Scent
Bird Perception Flying
Boar Might defense Scent
Cat Climbing or stealth Small
Constrictor snake Climbing Constrict
Crocodile Stealth or swimming Constrict
Deinonychus Perception Fast
Dolphin Perception or swimming Fast
Fish Stealth or swimming Aquatic
Frog Jumping or stealth Aquatic
Horse Perception Fast
Leopard Climbing or stealth Fast
Lizard Climbing or stealth Small
Octopus Stealth Aquatic
Shark Swimming Aquatic
Turtle Might defense Armor
Venomous snake Climbing Venom
Wolf Perception Scent

Aquatic: The animal either breathes water instead of air or is able to breathe water in addition to breathing air.

Armor: The animal has a thick hide or shell, granting +1 to Armor.

Constrict: The animal can grip its opponent fast after making a melee attack (usually with a bite or claw), easing attack rolls against that foe on later turns until the animal releases the foe.

Fast: The animal can move a long distance on its turn instead of a short distance.

Flying: The animal can fly, which (depending on the type of animal) may be up to a short or long distance on its turn.

Hands: The animal has paws or hands that are nearly as agile as those of a human. Unlike with most animal shapes, the animal’s tasks that require hands are not hindered (although the GM may decide that some tasks requiring human agility, such as playing a flute, are still hindered).

Scent: The animal has a strong sense of smell, gaining an asset on tracking and dealing with darkness or blindness.

Small: The animal is considerably smaller than a human, easing its Speed defense tasks but hindering tasks to move heavy things.

Venom: The animal is poisonous (usually through a bite), inflicting 1 additional point of damage.

Currency and Prices #

Dollars, pounds, euros, credits, gold pieces, Martian solval beads, Corso moons and stars, bottle caps—a lot of different currencies might be used in your game, depending on the setting and the genre. You should use whatever you like. In the Cypher System rules, we talk in generalities rather than specifics. Not unlike saying immediate or short distance rather than giving precise numbers, we talk about goods and services in terms of inexpensive, moderately priced, expensive, very expensive, or exorbitant.

The GM can figure out what those things mean in their setting. In a fantasy setting, an inexpensive item might be 1 or 2 copper pennies, while an expensive item might require gold on the table. The exact amount can vary, and in many campaigns, the exact amount will matter. The GM will develop a detailed price list for their setting, and players will track their money on their character sheets to determine what they can afford, often ignoring the terms inexpensive, moderately priced, and so on.

But some GMs might want to keep things simple and use only the general terms, indicating currency just as flavor now and then. In a space opera game, where the PCs are the crew of a starship blazing about the galaxy in search of adventure and profit, fuel and upkeep for the ship might be expensive. Hauling a few passengers from Epsilon Eridani back to Earth might earn enough to purchase six expensive items but cost the equivalent of two expensive items, leaving the crew with the means to refuel and maintain the ship for two further voyages. In such a game, where money only means keeping the ship flying, no one has to talk in specific amounts. Characters might refer to “galactic credits” or something similar, but amounts might not be tracked on the character sheets.

Price Categories #

There are five price categories for goods and services.

An inexpensive item is something that common people buy. A simple meal or a drink in the bar. A pen and some paper. A book or magazine.

A moderately priced item is something that common people buy, but not too often and not in great quantities. A small piece of furniture. A major entertainment. An expensive meal. A new outfit.

An expensive item is something that would strain a common person’s finances. Rent on a simple apartment. A major piece of furniture. A very nice outfit. The cost to travel a long distance (if appropriate to the setting).

A very expensive item is probably out of the reach of most people except in very special circumstances. Jewelry. Luxury furnishings.

An exorbitant item is something only the very rich can afford. A very nice house. A ship. Extremely expensive jewelry or art.

Think of the categories as powers of 10. That is to say, a moderately priced item is ten times more costly than an inexpensive item. An expensive item is ten times more costly than a moderately priced item, and thus 100 times the cost of something inexpensive. A very expensive item is ten times the cost of an expensive one, 100 times the cost of a moderate one, and 1,000 times the cost of an inexpensive one. An exorbitant item is priced ten times beyond that.

(In some settings, even the generalization offered by the pricing categories might be too specific or cumbersome. In many superhero games, for example, prices are relatively moot. After saving the city, typical superheroes don’t worry about paying rent or how much dinner will cost. On the other hand, in a grittier superhero game, maybe that’s exactly what they worry about.)

Using The Price Categories #

Regardless of how precise you want to be with prices and currency, you can use the price categories in a variety of ways.

It’s easy for a GM to say to a player “You can afford two extra moderately priced things at the start of the game.” The player can look on the list and pick two moderately priced items without worrying about their cost. Plus, this approach makes it clear that they get two items, not twenty inexpensive items or one more expensive item that perhaps would not be appropriate for a starting character. The categories make it easy to lump similar items together.

The GM can also say “You can have whatever inexpensive items you want, and don’t worry about the cost.” At higher tiers, when the PCs have more wealth, followers, and so on, the GM can do this with moderate or even expensive items. This allows the group to skip over playing through a shopping trip to get supplies, and players don’t have to track prices down to the last coin.

Finally, the categories can be shorthand when evaluating loot, dividing up the spoils among the PCs, and resolving other story-based occurrences that crop up in the game without dealing in the minutiae of exact prices. This is of particular use in high-powered games where the PCs are rich and powerful.

Level of Equipment

Mundane equipment is about level 4—less if of inferior quality or materials, more if of superior quality or materials. This means that in a setting based on the distant past, the default level might be 3, while in the future it might be 5 or 6. So an average serf ’s tool in the Dark Ages is level 3, easily broken, while an average tool on a space station is level 6, made of advanced polymers.

Armor #

Characters expecting danger frequently wear armor. Even the simplest protective covering helps against stabs and cuts, and more sophisticated or heavier armor protects against graver threats.

You can wear only one type of armor at a time—you cannot wear chainmail hauberk and scale armor together, for example. However, Armor bonuses from multiple sources combine to provide a total Armor rating. For example, if you have subdermal implants that give you +1 to Armor, a force field that offers another +1 to Armor, and beastskin that grants +2 to Armor, you have a total of +4 to Armor.

In general, light armor is a moderately priced item, medium armor is expensive, and heavy armor is very expensive. The Genre chapter offers more specific details on the kinds of armor available in a given setting. Keep in mind that in many genres, it’s quite odd, at best, to run around in armor tougher than a leather jacket.

Using Armor #

Anyone can wear any armor, but it can be taxing. Wearing armor increases the cost of using a level of Effort when attempting a Speed-based action. So if you’re wearing light armor and want to use two levels of Effort on a Speed-based roll to run across difficult terrain, it costs 7 points from your Speed Pool rather than 5 (3 for the first level of Effort, plus 2 for the second level of Effort, plus 1 per level for wearing light armor). Edge reduces the overall cost as normal. If you are not experienced with a certain type of armor but wear it anyway, this cost is further increased by 1. Having experience with a type of armor is called being practiced with the armor.

Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Per Level
Light +1
Medium +2
heavy +3

Fantasy Armor Descriptions #

You can wear only one kind of armor at a time (wearing more than one only gives the Armor from the best one and the Speed Effort cost of the worst one).

Beastskin: An improved form of hides and furs, usually crafted from a creature with especially tough skin such as a giant lizard or rhinoceros.

Breastplate: A fitted metal plate or set of plates that protect your torso but not your arms or legs, giving you greater movement than full plate at the cost of some protection.

Brigandine: Long strips of metal attached to a cloth or leather backing. Often called “splint mail.”

Chainmail: Mail armor made from hundreds of interlocking metal rings or links. Often called “chain” or “chain armor.”

Dwarven breastplate: A high-quality breastplate crafted by a skilled dwarf, providing good protection and great mobility. Dwarven breastplate is medium armor (2 Armor) but encumbers the wearer as if it were light armor (it has a Speed Effort cost of 1). Not all dwarf-crafted breastplates count as this type of armor (only exceptionally skilled dwarven smiths know how to make it).

Elven chainmail: A high-quality suit of chainmail crafted by a skilled elf, providing good protection and excellent mobility. Elven chainmail is medium armor (2 Armor) but is no more encumbering than a typical outfit of normal clothing (it has no Speed Effort cost). Not all elf-crafted chainmail counts as this type of armor (only exceptionally skilled elven smiths know how to make it).

Full plate: A complete suit of fitted metal plates that give excellent coverage and protection against attacks. The joints are protected by small layered plates over flexible chain. Sometimes called “plate mail.”

Heavy cloth: Clothing that’s heavy enough to reduce the effect of attacks against you, such as winter clothing or a fashionable leather outfit. Heavy cloth provides 1 Armor against piercing or slashing attacks like arrows and swords, but not bashing attacks like clubs or hammers. Heavy cloth doesn’t have a Speed Effort cost. It can’t be worn with other kinds of armor.

Hides and furs: Made from thick or poorly cured animal skins. It’s heavier and bulkier than other kinds of leather armor, but easier to make, especially by resource-poor crafters.

Leather jerkin: Armor made of hardened pieces of leather (usually boiled or treated with chemicals) that mainly covers your torso. It’s stiffer than leather used for clothing, but still flexible enough that you can bend and twist in it. Some jerkins are reinforced with metal studs (and may be called “studded leather”), and brigandine improves upon that concept.

Padded: Cloth armor that is deliberately designed with multiple layers to be thick and protective. This is sometimes called “quilted armor” because it is a layer of padding sewn between two layers of cloth. Padded armor provides 1 Armor against piercing or slashing attacks like arrows and swords, but not bashing attacks like clubs or hammers. Padded armor doesn’t have a Speed Effort cost. It can’t be worn with other kinds of armor.

Scale: Mail armor made from overlapping scales or plates attached to a leather or cloth backing. Often called “scale mail.”

Shield: Provides an asset to Speed defense. Shield sizes vary from a small buckler to a large kite shield (in the Cypher System, the difference is mainly flavor, and for game purposes they all grant the wearer the same benefit).

Light Armor Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Price
Heavy cloth 1* 0 3 gp
Hides and furs 1 1 10 gp
Leather jerkin 1 1 10 gp
Padded 1* 0 5 gp
Medium Armor Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Price
Beastskin 2 2 10 gp
Breastplate 2 2 400 gp
Brigandine 2 2 200 gp
Chainmail 2 2 75 gp
Dwarven breastplate 2 1 8,000 gp
Elven chainmail 2 0 8,000 gp
Heavy Armor Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Price
Full plate 3 0 1,500 gp
Scale 3 0 50 gp
Shield asset** 10 gp

* Only against piercing and slashing attacks

** Using a shield provides the wearer with an asset on Speed defense tasks

If the GM prefers the simpler method of not tracking whether an attack is bashing, slashing, or stabbing, heavy cloth and padded armor should provide no Armor at all.


Shields provide an asset to Speed defense rolls. You must have one free hand to use a shield.

Weapons #

Not all characters are familiar with all weapons. Warriors know their way around most types, but Explorers prefer light or medium weapons, and Adepts and Speakers usually stick to light weapons. If you wield a weapon that you have no experience with, an attack with that weapon is hindered. Having experience with a weapon is called being practiced with the weapon.

Light weapons inflict only 2 points of damage, but attacks with them are eased because they are fast and easy to use. Light weapons are punches, kicks, knives, handaxes, darts, very small pistols, and so on. Weapons that are particularly small are light weapons.

Medium weapons inflict 4 points of damage. Medium weapons include broadswords, battleaxes, maces, crossbows, spears, typical handguns, light rifles, sawed-off shotguns, and so on. Most weapons are medium. Anything that could be used in one hand (even if it’s often used in two hands, such as a quarterstaff or spear) is a medium weapon.

Heavy weapons inflict 6 points of damage, and you must use two hands to attack with them. Heavy weapons are huge swords, great hammers, massive axes, halberds, heavy crossbows, rifles, regular shotguns, assault rifles, and so on. Anything that must be used in two hands is a heavy weapon.

Weapon Damage
Light 2 points (attack eased)
Medium 4 points
Heavy 6 points

In general, light weapons are moderately priced items, medium weapons are expensive, and heavy weapons are very expensive. Ammunition for a ranged weapon is inexpensive. The Genre chapter offers more specific details on weapons available in a given setting. Keep in mind that in many genres, it’s not acceptable to run around carrying dangerous weapons.

Fantasy Weapons Descriptions #

Battleaxe: A wooden pole with a blade on one end.

Blowgun: A long hollow tube used to shoot darts. You can fire it with one hand, but you need two hands to load it.

Bow: A bent piece of flexible wood with a taut string connected to each end. It fires arrows. You need two hands to fire it.

Broadsword: A long-bladed sword, longer than a dagger, heavier than a rapier, but not as large as a greatsword.

Club: A simple bludgeon, such as a sturdy tree branch, board, or improvised weapon.

Crank crossbow: A weapon similar to a light crossbow, but it has a magazine that holds five bolts. You turn a small crank to advance to the next bolt (this is not an action). Action to load an empty magazine with five bolts, action to reload the crossbow with a new magazine. It can be used as a rapid-fire weapon.

Dagger: A very short blade for stabbing or slicing.

Flail: A handle with a chain on one end and a ball or spiked ball at the end of the chain.

Greataxe: A larger, heavier version of the battleaxe, sometimes with two opposing blades instead of one.

Greatsword: A two-handed version of the broadsword.

Hammer: A wooden handle with a heavy metal head, either one-sided (like a carpenter’s hammer) or two-sided (like a sledgehammer).

Hand crossbow: A smaller and weaker version of a light crossbow. It fires crossbow bolts. You can fire it with one hand. You need two hands to load it.

Handaxe: A light, one-handed axe that’s good for melee or throwing.

Heavy crossbow: A heavier, more powerful version of a light crossbow. You need two hands to fire or load it. Action to reload.

Heavy mace: A larger, two-handed version of a mace.

Javelin: A light spear that’s designed to be thrown.

Light crossbow: A bow with a handle and mechanism for drawing and holding the string. It fires crossbow bolts. You can fire it with one hand. You need two hands to load it. Action to reload. Mace: A wooden handle with a heavy metal head that’s spherical, flanged, or knobbed.

Maul: A larger version of the hammer, such as a sledgehammer.

Net: A net designed for battle rather than fishing. It has metal hooks at each intersection to help catch your enemy. You can throw it with one hand. Action to refold it so it can be thrown again. If you hit an opponent with the net, all of their physical actions are hindered until they take an action to remove it.

Pick: A hafted weapon with a sideways metal spike on the end, similar to a miner’s tool.

Polearm: Various kinds of spears, sometimes with hooks or additional blades for special purposes like tripping a foe or pulling an opponent from their mount.

Quarterstaff: A wooden pole about 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) long.

Rapier: A light sword with a thin blade used for stabbing and slashing.

Scimitar: A medium-length sword with a strongly curved blade.

Sickle: A one-handed hafted weapon with a sharply curved blade, originally used for harvesting crops but adapted for use as a weapon.

Sling: A small pouch connected to two cords. You put a stone or bullet (metal slug) in the pouch, hold the end of the cords, spin it, and let go of one of the cords to hurl the projectile. You can fire it with one hand. You need two hands to load it. Action to reload.

Spear: A one-handed pole about 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 m) long with a stabbing blade on the end.

Throwing dart: A very short, light spear meant to be thrown rather than used in melee.

Trident: A three-pronged spear, often used for spear fishing.

Unarmed: A typical punch, kick, or other weaponless attack.

Whip: A leather cord with a handle, used more for tricks and inflicting punishments than for deadly combat.

Light Weapons (2 points of damage) Price Notes
Blowgun 5 gp Short range
Blowgun darts (20) 1 gp
Dagger 2 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Hand crossbow 75 gp Short range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Handaxe 5 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Net 1 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Rapier 25 gp
Sickle 1 gp Short range
Sling 1 sp Short range
Sling bullets (20) 5 cp
Throwing dart 5 cp Short range
Unarmed (punch, kick, etc)
Whip 2 gp
Medium Weapons (4 points of damage) Price Notes
Battleaxe 10 gp
Bow 30 gp Long range
Arrows (20) 1 gp
Broadsword 15 gp
Club 1 sp
Crank crossbow 250 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Light crossbow 25 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Flail 10 gp
Hammer 15 gp
Javelin 5 sp Can be thrown up to long range
Mace 10 gp
Pick 10 gp
Polearm 10 gp
Quarterstaff 2 sp
Scimitar 25 gp
Spear 1 gp Can be thrown up to long range
Trident 5 gp
Heavy Weapons (6 points of damage) Price Notes
Greataxe 30 gp
Greatsword 50 gp
Heavy crossbow 50 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Heavy mace 15 gp
Maul 10 gp

Explosive Weapons #

Bombs, grenades, missiles, and other explosives operate differently than other weapons. They affect all targets within an area (usually an immediate area) and inflict damage to all of them. A separate attack roll is required for each (or a Speed defense roll if the PCs are the targets of such an attack), although to simplify, the player can make one attack roll and compare it to the difficulty to attack each target. Usually, even if the attack roll fails (or the Speed defense roll succeeds), the targets still suffer a smaller amount of damage, often 1 point.

Explosives like grenades can be thrown a short distance. Otherwise, another launcher weapon is needed to project them a long distance (or farther).

Adventuring equipment DESCRIPTIONS

Acid: A flask of strong acid. Can be thrown up to short range, inflicting acid damage as a light weapon (ignores Armor). If poured carefully, it can damage or destroy a small item or areas made of stone or metal.

Adventuring pack: Includes 50 feet (15 m) of rope, three days’ iron rations, three spikes, small hammer, a set of warm clothes, boots, and three torches.

Alchemist fire: A flask of chemicals that burst into flames upon contact with air. The flames burn out after one round. Can be thrown up to short range, inflicting fire damage as a light weapon (ignores Armor).

Alchemist tools: A sturdy wooden case with tiny flasks, stirring rods, droppers, and other materials used in alchemy. It grants an asset for identifying potion cyphers and similar mysterious liquids.

Bag of heavy tools: Contains a hammer, six spikes, crowbar, large tongs, chisel, and 10 feet (3 m) of strong rope.

Bag of light tools: Contains a small hammer, small tongs, pliers, small pry bar, awl, lockpicks, 10 feet (3 m) of string, 3 feet (1 m) of metal wire, and a handful of nails.

Battering ram: This sturdy plank is capped with hard metal. It provides an asset for breaking down doors.

Book: A book with information on a particular topic, such as geography, history, magic, or religion. Provides an asset on appropriate rolls if the character reads or skims the book for at least ten minutes before attempting the task (this assumes the character has already read the book and is looking for relevant information).

Caltrops, bag: A bag of hard things you scatter on the ground to slow or injure anyone walking through an area. One bag covers an immediate area and makes that area count as difficult terrain. A creature can safely move through it as if it were difficult terrain (half speed). If a creature moves through the area at normal speed, they must make a difficulty 2 Speed defense roll or take 2 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor).

Candle: A candle burns for one hour and creates dim light in an immediate area.

Climbing kit: A set of crampons, pitons, ropes, and tools. Provides an asset on climbing tasks.

Crowbar: This bent length of metal grants an asset on tasks to open doors, treasure chests, and similar objects.

Disguise kit: Makeup, simple prosthetics, and a wig or two, suitable for disguises for a theatrical production. Provides an asset on disguise tasks. Some parts are reusable, but the kit runs out after about five uses.

Healing kit: A collection of bandages, needles, thread, and basic medicines. Provides an asset on healing tasks. Some parts are reusable, but the kit runs out after about five uses.

Lamp: A hollow container filled with oil that slowly burns to provide light (often resembling a “genie lamp”). A lamp creates normal light in an immediate area and dim light out to the short area beyond that. It burns for three to four hours on 1 pint (.5 L) of oil. If dropped, it might spill oil, break, or both.

Lantern: An improved version of a lamp, with a wick that draws oil and glass or metal panes to protect it from wind. A lantern creates normal light in an immediate area and dim light out to the short area beyond that. It burns for three to four hours on 1 pint (.5 L) of oil. If dropped, it is less likely to spill than a lamp.

Lockpicks: Also known as thieves’ tools, this set provides everything a skilled person needs to pick locks and disarm traps.

Manacles: Metal or heavy wooden restraints that hold an enemy’s wrists or ankles in place and are secured with a pin. A common set of manacles is level 5.

Oil: A pint (.5 L) of lamp oil in a leather flask. It burns for three to four hours in a lantern or lamp. If prepped with a burning wick, it can be thrown, inflicting fire damage as a light weapon (ignores Armor). If poured on a flat surface, it makes an immediate area slippery. A creature can safely move through the oil slick as if it were difficult terrain (half speed). If a creature moves through the area at normal speed, they must make a difficulty 3 Speed defense roll or slip on the oil and fall prone. Lighting the oil slick makes it burn for one or two rounds and inflicts 1 point of fire damage (ignores Armor) on anyone in or moving through the area.

Signal horn: This horn can be heard up to a mile away.

Spyglass: This device grants an asset on perception tasks to see things at long range or longer.

Tent: This has enough room for two humans or three smaller people.

Torch: A wooden stick with some kind of fuel on one end (such as burlap and wax). It burns for one hour, creating normal light in an immediate area and dim light in the short area beyond that. A torch is fragile and usually breaks if used to hit something

Item Price
Acid (flask) 25 gp
Adventuring pack 6 gp
Alchemist fire (flask) 50 gp
Alchemist tools 50 go
Backpack 2 gp
Bag of heavy tools 25 gp
Bag of light tools 10 gp
Battering arm 10 gp
Bedroll 1 gp
Book 25 gp
Caltrops, bag 1 gp
Candle 1 sp
Climbing kit 25 gp
Crowbar 2 gp
Disguising kit 25 gp
Grappling hook 2 gp
Healing kit 5 gp
Hourglass 25 gp
Ink (flask) 10 gp
Ink pen 2 cp
Iron spikes (10) 1 gp
Ladder (10 ft/3m) 1 sp
Lamp 5 sp
Lantern 5 gp
Lockpicks 25 gp
Manacles 2 gp
Mirror 5gp
Musical instrument 2-50 gp
Oil (flask) 1 cp
Piton 5 cp
Pole, wooden 5 cp
Pouch or other small rations 5 sp
Rations (1 day) 5 sp
Rope (50 ft./15m) 1 gp
Sack 1 cp
Signal horn 2 gp
Spyglass 1,0000 gp
Tent 2 gp
Torch 1 cp
Waterskin 2 sp

Miscellaneous Items and Services #

Although the types of items for sale vary greatly based on the setting, a few things are always present, like food, lodging, and clothing. However, these goods and services can span the price categories. For example, you can get an inexpensive meal, a moderately priced meal, an expensive meal, and so on. An inexpensive meal is light and probably not very nutritious. An expensive meal is available only in nice restaurants in certain locations. An exorbitant meal is probably a feast for a crowd, with the finest foods and drink available.

Nightly lodging is similar, although the bottom end starts out worse. An inexpensive night’s lodging is probably a flea-ridden mat on the floor of a room filled with other lodgers. Typical lodging (a private room with a decent bed) is probably in the moderately priced range. Very expensive lodging might be a suite of rooms with delicious meals and personal services (such as massages and grooming) included.

Inexpensive clothing is just a step up from rags, but moderately priced clothing is decent enough. For a formal party, you’d want expensive clothing. The very rich likely wear very expensive clothing most of the time, and exorbitant clothing (and jewelry) when they go to their elite galas.

Other sorts of miscellaneous items can be found in the Genre chapter.

Fantasy Clothing Descriptions #

Specific pieces of clothing vary by climate and local custom, but usually include a hat, shirt, belt, pants or skirt, shoes, and underclothes.

Artisan’s outfit: A suitable outfit for a person who performs a trade (blacksmith, cobbler, and so on). Often includes an apron and a belt for holding tools.

Ascetic’s outfit: A simple outfit worn by monks and other people who eschew displays of wealth and status. Specific styles vary by climate and the philosophical tenets of the wearer, but a typical example is a loose shirt, loose breeches, sandals, a cap, and several cloth straps that can serve as a belt, scarf, or simple adornments.

Cold-weather outfit: A heavier set of clothing for protection against cold weather.

Entertainer’s costume: Interesting (and usually colorful) clothing appropriate for an entertainer such as an actor, bard, juggler, or acrobat.

Explorer’s outfit: A set of sturdy clothing for adventurers and experienced travelers who want to be prepared for various activities and environments.

Fancy outfit: A stylish set of clothes according to the local fashions and customs. Generally the minimum required for meeting with important townsfolk such as a mayor or noble. Higher-status events require outfits that cost up to four times as much.

Peasant’s outfit: Very simple clothing for free people of low social status. Includes a kerchief or cap, shirt or blouse, trousers or skirt, and heavy cloth shoes or foot wrappings.

Priestly vestments: Garments appropriate for performing ceremonies for a specific religion. A common example is a hat or headdress, long tunic or dress, tabard or stole, and shoes, with the outer pieces marked with appropriate symbols.

Traveler’s outfit: A comfortable set of clothes that includes gloves, a protective hat, a jacket, and a cloak with a hood.

Wizard’s outfit: Clothing that identifies the wearer as a practitioner of arcane magic. A typical outfit includes an interesting hat or cap, a robe with long sleeves and many pockets, and shoes, often adorned with runes or representations of magical creatures such as dragons. Scholars and sages wear very similar garments that lack the mystical aspects of wizard clothing.

Item Price
Artisan’s outfit 2 gp
Ascetic’s outfit 1 gp
Cold-weather outfit 6 gp
Entertainer’s costume 3 gp
Explorer’s outfit 8 gp
Fancy outfit 25 gp
Peasant’s outfit 1 sp
Priestly vestments 5 gp
Traveler’s outfit 2 gp
Wizard’s outfit 5 gp

Animals and Gear Descriptions #

Draft horse: A strong horse able to carry or pull heavy loads.

Guard dog: A dog specially trained to guard. Better suited for watching or patrolling an area against thieves and intruders than it is for accompanying adventurers into dangerous locations.

Pony: A smaller type of horse, suitable for pulling a cart, carrying smaller loads than a full-sized horse, or serving as a mount for a smaller-than-human creature such as a dwarf or halfling.

Riding horse: A horse trained for riding and able to carry a typical adult human. Riding horses tend to panic in combat.

Warhorse: A horse trained to be calm during the noise and action of combat, used either as a mount or to pull a vehicle such as a chariot.

Item Price
Draft horse 50 gp
Guard dog 25 gp
Pony 30 gp
Riding horse 75 gp
Saddle 10 gp
Warhorse 300-500 gp

Food and Lodging #

Item Price
Ale, gallon 2 sp
Ale, mug 4 cp
Banquet (1 person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Inn stay (per night)
Good 8 sp
Common 5 sp
Poor 1 sp
Meals (per day)
Good 5 sp
Common 3 sp
Poor 6 cp
Meat (one serving) 3 sp
Wine (bottle) 10 gp
Wine (pitcher) 2 sp

Cyphers #

Cyphers can sometimes be physical items like equipment, but they work very differently. To be entirely accurate, cyphers might have the veneer of equipment, but don’t fall into the trap of confusing the two. Cyphers are far more akin to PC special abilities than to gear. In a fantasy game, they might be potions, scrolls, or charms. In a science fiction game, cyphers might be interesting throwaway devices or alien crystals of unknown providence. In other games, they might just represent good fortune or sudden inspiration. See the Cyphers chapter for more details.

Artifacts #

Artifacts are more powerful than equipment and can’t simply be purchased. The Genre chapter offers a few sample artifacts appropriate for various settings.

Each artifact has a level and a rate of power depletion. When an artifact is used or activated, the player rolls the designated die (1d6, 1d10, 1d20, or 1d100). If the die shows the depletion number(s), the item works, but that is its last use. A depletion entry of “—” means that the artifact never depletes, and an entry of “automatic” means that it can be used only once.

Depowered artifacts can sometimes be recharged using the repair rules, depending on the item’s nature. Other special abilities can also repower an expended item, but probably for only one use.

For GM information on artifacts, see the Running the Cypher System chapter.

Finding, Identifying, and USing Artifacts

Characters can sometimes find artifacts while on adventures. They might be in ancient ruins, either intact or in need of manipulation to get them working. They could have been stolen from well-guarded military installations. They might be granted as rewards or taken from fallen foes. Sometimes they can even be purchased from a specialized source, but this occurs more rarely than most PCs would probably like.

After the characters find an artifact, identifying it is a separate Intellect task. The GM sets the difficulty of the task, but it is usually equal to the artifact’s level. Identifying it takes fifteen minutes to three hours. If the PCs can’t identify an artifact, they can bring it to an expert to be identified or, if desired, traded or sold.

Characters can attempt to use an artifact that has not been identified, which is usually an Intellect task equal to the artifact’s level + 2. Failure might mean that the PCs can’t figure out how to use the artifact or they use it incorrectly (GM’s discretion). Of course, even if characters use an unidentified artifact correctly the first time, they have no idea what the effect might be.

Once characters identify an artifact, using it for the first time requires an additional Intellect action; this process is far more complex than pushing a button. It can involve manipulating touchscreens, reciting the proper arcane words, or anything else that fits the setting. The GM sets the difficulty, but it is usually equal to the artifact’s level.